Street Dancing and Showdown

Buglasan Festival 2018

The Buglasan Festival 2018 Street Dancing and Showdown of Negros Oriental was held last October 19, 2018 at the city streets of Dumaguete City and at Lamberto Macias Sports Complex; respectively. For this year’s festivities, ten groups performed while only nine of them were actually competing. The different organizers of this year’s Buglasan Festivals couldn’t find other festivals so they filled them in by letting barangays to compete in a Barangay Category. Not that it is a bad idea, just not fulfilling enough to be entitled as the “Festival of Festivals”.

Buglasan Festival 2018 Showdown

Aside from being almost three hours delayed from the over announced start of time, the Buglasan Festival 2018 can still be considered as a grand and colorful event. Hundreds of people gathered at the Macias Complex as early as five in the morning. Nevertheless, once it started everything went smooth and fast.

Buglasan Festival 2018 Street Dancing

The looooong celebration of the Buglasan Festival 2018 was awaited by hundreds of people all over Negros Oriental. Just like the showdown, the street dancing of the Buglasan Festival 2018 was delayed by a few hours. The con of not starting on time are people being irritable and the sun was gone (which means no vibrant colors). But hey at least it did not rain!

Here is a list of those who participated:
(click name for video)

Happy Buglasan Festival 2018!!!

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